Disclaimer: This post will be saturated with photos of adorable fluffy cats. On a recent visit home to Montreal, J and I stopped by Cafe Chat L'Heureux to sip tea with a bunch of furry friends. Modeled after popular hot spots in Korea and Japan, this one is the first of its kind in North America and a mecca for the crazy cat moms and cat dads out there. It's truly a unique experience.
Some like to show off impressive tricks. Pictured here, Milady shows off high fives for treats from the cafe owner.
Gustave is passed out hard on this sofa.
The Happy Cat Cafe is human friendly too with a full gourmet menu of sweets, catpuccinos, teas, salads and sandwiches.
Even when they're sleeping, you can't help but squeal over how cute these cats are.
They seem like very happy cats indeed. I think Luna here is smiling.It's one one of those bucket list items if you ever get a chance to visit Montreal.
On the Plateau?